Everyone has a part to play in the conservation of our environment, no matter how big or small. We’re continually making positive changes to make Cousins Collective as sustainable as possible, and here are just a few ways we're doing this.

- We embroider in house using Vegan threads
- Most of our clothing is made to order to reduce stock wastage
- All of our clothing packaging & orders inserts are recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable
- The Cello bags used for our patches & keyrings are compostable
- We are now choosing to use Earthpositive & Fair Wear brands for our clothing designs, such as Continental Clothing & Stanley Stella

- Our printed clothing is printed in the UK using water based inks.
- Our custom tissue paper is sustainable and eco friendly, from noissue.
- Wholesale orders are shipped in reused/recycled packaging
- We pay extra to receive pins from our manufacturer in paper packaging instead of one-use plastic grip seal bags

